Friday, July 29, 2005

A walk to the Gardens yesterday afternoon to clear my head and reflect on 21 years on this earth. It was a beautiful day. A tranquil day. It also turned into a cold day. :P I sat there for about 2 hours, just admiring all nature around me. I'd brought my Bible and journal with me, so yeah, that was a getaway from the hustle and bustle of school work and planning for tomorrow night. I'd written:

You are my Creator. I praise You for You. There are too many things to list, if i were to list your blessings. A never ending list. I see You all around me. Your magnificence at height, Your intelligence in detail. I see Your beauty in children playing in the playground, in couples strolling hand in hand. In a rock, in the wind, in the trees, the ducks, ripples in the water. Yet what i see is minute because You are so much more. I see You Lord. I'm glad You see me.

I am tempted to call but some things are better left just as they are.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

A Royal "Ball"

The royal "mess" you see on the floor and table made me laugh for the first time today. I came home from my Medicinal Chemistry workshop to find a box on my table. An innocent box...or so i thought. I'd proceeded to tear the masking tape from the sides and as they say, curiosity kills the cat. In this case, curiosity spills the on the mat. Lifting the box to examine the weight, i was pleasantly surprised by a torrent of light weight polystyrene balls from under the box. Little did i know that there was no bottom to the box! Very ingenious B. It sure was a birthday surprise! Josh O provided "man-power" to make "little" changes in my room. I think it'll be a while before i uncover everything...LOL..

Monday, July 25, 2005

On a bicycle built for two

Blue skies and glorious sun!

In other words, there was no way anyone was going to catch me indoors with a textbook yesterday afternoon. God has really blessed us with warm weather after the streak of cold gusty winds and what seemed like an infinite store of rain last week.

After church, I had lunch with Eunice (so nice...Eunice cooked!) and had the opportunity to see the flat 'hierarchy'. :P It was hilarious, watching Eunice and Jane 'kek' each other. It would be lovely to live in a comfortable and harmonious flat community again.

Alice invited me to go biking with them in the afternoon. There were 9 of us altogether, and all from homegroup. Yes, that's how homey we have become. :) We biked from Grange St to St Claire, then to St Kilda and back again. We left at 2.30pm, after getting everyone settled and a short prayer. Man, it's been so so so long since i've sat on a bike! Biking there was cool....though seeing cars whizz by was a little intimidating. I've also learnt what Ming meant when he said "Behave like a car" especially when cycling past T junctions and roundabouts. Haha...i think i'd make a very dangerous car because i have the tendency to still thing that i'm a pedestrian thus slow down to let cars go by. No no... no good.

The air was fresh and the sunshine was amazing. Biking alongside the pier was a new experience too. The water was crystal clear... ah... no words can describe the beauty my eyes had beheld. By the time we got back it was almost 4.40pm. Tired but satisfied.

Other than the memories and pictures that i have with me from yesterday, i was awarded a bonus.... a majorly sore butt. :/

The vanity of others is only counter to our taste when it is counter to our vanity. -Friedrich Nietzsche

Friday, July 22, 2005

Part and parcel of life

It's Friday ... and it's sunny. :) A great day to go to the gardens. See...if Eve and i finish baking the chocolate cake early i'll take a walk there.

Eunice and i went out for lunch today, arranged last minute. :P It's always the same old problem...deciding where to go to eat. I've been eating out everyday this week, and i must say, my taste for outside food is starting to dwindle. Then again, it's more about WHO you eat with, rather than WHAT you eat, isnt it?

Why why why? Why is it that two of the closest people to me have to go away next year? Chia is going back to work for Daddy. Eunice got balloted to Wellington. Why why why? I feel sad when i think of next year. Yes, I am jolly well grateful for the people God has put in my life here in Dunedin and friends and family overseas. I guess i'm just not ready for the change. In other words, i dont want the change!! I dont want to imagine how things will be like without them.

Anyway, 40 Days of Purpose is starting soon. I cant's going to be AWESOME!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Swept off my feet

I have no idea how many knots the winds were travelling at today, but whatever they were, they sure werent pedestrian-friendly. :S I was almost blown off the footpath onto the road! Gosh....and there was no pole to hang on to, walking and praying "Lord, please, just help my feet stick to the ground!" I have to think three times before going anywhere that isnt surrounded by four standing concrete walls today...

Prepared for the wrong workshop! Stayed up past 1am preparing last night and with bleary, tired eyes woke up this morning for lecture. Only found out 5 minutes before the workshop that it was Workshop 7 for us, not Workshop 6!! Man... oh well, learnt my lesson.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

GETting any SMARTer?

I've been wearing this green band since it was first strapped on on Wednesday afternoon. At first, i remember thinking to myself "Hmm..of all colours, i get neon green." But as days have gone by, i've grown so attached to this piece of plastic. *laughs* Now i even hesitate cutting it....And nope, i still havent cut it.

GetSmart 2005 was a learning experience. :) Just what i needed. Though i must say that i wasnt as 'hyped' as last year, so many things spoke into my life. It was like having the good teacher sit next to you, and personally go through, one by one, the lessons you have to learn to finish the race well. Hehe... up close and personal! Definitely a different approach from GetSmart 2004. When Pastor Andy mentioned ministering in Fiji, wow, i wanna go, i wanna go!!

I remember a sermon on "Getting Rid of the 'HOWEVERS' in Your Life". How 'howevers' lead to so many downfalls, like 1 Kings 11, how after the whole world sought audience with King Solomon, his 'however' led him astray from God. Because there are 'howevers' in our life, we wont finish the race well. We cannot just have intentions to finish the race, we have to make the DECISION to be there at the end with a triumphant finish. I thought about that a lot. How we compromise when we should let God work on us first. We trip and we fall, and things arent as good as they can be. Obedience to His Word is the crucial and He'll need time to "annihilate" (This is little Daniel's version ;P) the 'howevers' in our life. The Bible never said it's easy, but to hang on tightly in faith to 2 Chronicles 32:7. The Word is Life.

Stayed a little longer than expected, yes, just a "little" longer at Ming's place, after the last conference, than expected last night, or should i say, this morning. Ming, Martin, B and i. I feel really bad for taking Ming away from Alice for so long. *moan* the guilt I had to apologize to Liz this morning... But i must say that it was great just hanging out with them. They're very unique people, with very distinct and 'exclusive' personalities. Amazing people, and hey, 6 months ago, i'd never have thought that i'd be chilling out ( the cold outside after GetSmart) with them in the wee hours of the morning. Oh yea, Martin, remember i've got Stewart Island booked for your 'honeymoon'... Dont forget.. *cheeky grin*

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged because of his vast army, for there is a greater power with us than with him" - 2 Chronicles 32:7
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Friday, July 15, 2005

God's Word

"No one having put his hands on the plow and looking back is fit for the Kingdom of God." -Luke 13:62

"Brothers, i do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing i do. Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." -Phillipians 3:13

Eternal Sunshine

Almost the end of the first week of 2nd semester. I've never in my entire life done so much reading on the gastrointestinal tract and related pathologies in 4 days! Not that it's a bad thing, of course. Just feel like it's always saturated...saturated...saturated. And next week, it's more gastro stuff. Was preparing for next Thursday's workshop and it looks really interesting. Now we are given the chance to integrate all our knowledge from different papers into one paper. I'm still not the fondest of role plays, but i guess it gives me the practice to use different communication skills before really attending to people in the real world. *singing* Look on the bright side of life

Presentation tomorrow afternoon. I hope my knees dont buckle or give way. I wonder when or if i will conquer my stage fright...hmm...

Chia and i watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's an ingenious movie...the idea itself is so unique. Sometimes i wonder, if it is worth it to erase memories, taking away the happy ones with the sad. It's almost like changing the past, in a way. Like it's never happened. But our past moulds us to be the people we are today. Can you really seperate a person's past from who they are? But let's say that you had that machine that could 'zap' away neurons that linked those particular memories. What would you erase? Or would you erase anything at all?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Lectures take off...

Day 1 back to school and it wasnt exactly as i thought it would be. I'd thought this semester will be 'cruisier', but i am mistaken. We've got different timetables every week, which also means i'll have to change my exercise regime weekly. We've got 3 hourly workshops 4 out of 5 days, and each requires 5-7 hours of preparation, reading up, case-based studies...etc. Sorry, here i am moaning and groaning about the first day of school. I better stop.

Well, other than my very full day that started at 9am and ended at 5pm, it was good to see everyone in class again. To look around and just appreciate being in a room full of familiar faces. Good news! For the 3rd year in a row, a gastroenterologist in Dunedin Hospital has allowed ~50 of our students to join Medical students run rounds in his department. One student is allowed per time and they have to 'book' you in. I got a booking!! =) It's in two weeks' time and it'll be my first real run of the role of a hospital pharmacist. This is so exciting!! I cant wait...

Nearly all men die of their medicines, not of their diseases. - Moliere (1622-1672)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Little Leaders

The kids are amazing! I cant think of any one word that would sum their enthusiam, their innocence and their love for life any better.

It took me ages to wake up this morning. I cant believe i'm having problems waking up at 8 in the morning. A part of me just rebelled, full on, and my feet wouldnt move from under the duvet. But responsibilities are responsibilities. I have no regrets about helping out with the 3-6 year olds. A few of them can just steal your heart, in a blink of an eye, just like that. Just to talk to them or sing along with them. *wah, modern kids! Singing using CDs...back home, we're still doing it acapella..LOL* Some of them cant quite pronounce words clearly yet. Like 'thank you' becomes something that sounds like 'gankew', with the 'k' joining the two words. They are sooooo cute!! Gosh...maybe if i'm working in Dunedin after graduation, i'll be able to help out again. Children are just the best. To see them sing and do actions, and honestly, when i was jumping along with them (Yes...i was JUMPING along with them), i felt as though i didnt care who saw me jump around like that. It was was liberating, erm, in a way...and it was just repeating those simple words of praise. Wow....the experience. And wouldnt have been able to have done it without those kids to 'motivate' me along to join them. Hehe...

Well, Uni restarts tomorrow. Not usually that busy a timetable, but GetSmart is going to take up all my other spare time. Looking foward to it! It's going to be a great semester!! Thank you God.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Just one day left to live this life.

She’d wake up in the morning and draw open the maroon red and green curtains. “I’d always preferred blinds,” she’d think to herself, amused at how she could think of it when she’d so much more to do. Up, up to brush her teeth, hopefully comb that unruly hair into anything that didn’t look like candy floss and then to make her bed, a habit that had been ingrained into her grey matter by Daddy’s morning repetitions. To sit, look out at the mountains and start quiet time with a prayer of thanks. The usual, the routine, to thank God for life, family and friends. Sometimes she’d switch on music as she does this, but not today. Not today. Just the still silence as everyone still slumbers early in the morning.

Maybe a cup of coffee or a piece of toast while she waits for Eve to get ready before they head off to the hospital. The usual, Yes, like any other day. Probably another morning of lectures and if there’s that odd free slot in between, aha, out to town with Maryam and Lye Funn. There’s always something new to look at. A new dress, a skirt maybe? Or that top to buy for a ball that will never be. They’d talk and laugh about everything and anything. From how Sio was ‘fishing’ in lectures, to whether they’d wear red or black for the upcoming Pharmacy Ball.

On her way home, she’d note the steps that she’d taken all too often to the flat she’d resided in for 2 and half years. Usually C comes home then and they’d talk about Uni while they had lunch. “Ah...instant noodles again? Not good for you..,” She’d remember to say to C. And put two of them together, you’d get the weirdest ideas and funny faces. Looking into the freezer and deciding what to cook for dinner tonight. “It has to be fully defrosted by the time I get back at 5pm” (though that is often not the case in freezing Dunedin). There’s no skipping lectures or labs, even if tomorrow never comes.

She hopes it’s summer if that day comes. So that the sun would set later and she’d be able to take a walk to the Gardens. She could never really understand how nature had a toll on her, how she’d sit for ages, just reading a book or picking petals off a daisy sitting on ‘her’ spot on the hill.

First thing she’d do when she gets home is to call family back in Malaysia. To hear what has been going on, listen to Daddy’s projects and Mum’s ‘update’ on the kids in Singpals. Little Daniel, in his still high-pitched voice, about school and games and movies he wants them to watch together when they get home. She’d call Auntie D, friends in Australia, UK and Singapore. Calls to friends in Dunedin, just to see how life’s been treating them, and to hear their voices one more time.

She’d sit and hug piggy and listen to C’s jokes and conjured thoughts. There’s no moment like this one. P will go up to her room before she goes to bed, and she’d start with the usual “How’s your day?” He’s always been good to her. When all the world settles to sleep, she’d light her candle and pray. “You’ve ran my race with me.” Blowing out the tiny lit wick, she’s plant a kiss on LV’s and Mr Bear’s cheek, and snuggle under the duvet, closing her eyes with the blessed reassurance that she’s going home.

"Goodbye, world. Hello Heaven. I'm home."

Friday, July 08, 2005

I've learnt

Something aren’t meant to be.
Some things are nothing more than what they are.
They are not meant to last.
They just take their place in your heart and make you a little smarter the next time.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Man, my first massage session and i'm addicted!! :S Phillipa needs to complete 180 hours of massage before she can graduate. Chia introduced me to her and boy, after one session, i'm waiting for the next time i can book another. :P

Yup, it did feel very strange to be stripped to your bare necessity and at first, i wasnt very comfortable being in a room with another who wasnt my sister in that *ahem* attire. Oh well, it was just a matter of getting used to it, i guess. Phillipa has one of those foldable massage tables with a hole for your face to poke through. Hehe. I'd seen one in Two Weeks' Notice but had never imagined that i'd be using one! Funny, i was afraid that when i got up, i'd have a red ring outline of the 'hole' around my face. Just the mere thought of that made me feel like bursting out in laughter, which of course, i had to very 'disciplined-ly' control. Phillipa started from the legs up to the back and neck. Boy, she's good!! I almost fell asleep. The session took one hour, which passed way too quickly. *contented sigh*

Monday, July 04, 2005


So In Love

Strange, dear
But true, dear
When I’m close
To you, dear
The stars fill the sky
So in love with you am i

Even without you
My arms fold about you
You know, darling, why
So in love with you am i

In love with the night mysterious
The night when you first were there
In love with my joy delirious
When I knew that you could care

So taunt me
And hurt me
Deceive me
Desert me
I’m yours till I die
So in love
So in love
So In love with you, my love, am i

~Cole Porter

Delovely is such a touching movie. Kelvin Klein and Ashley Judd played their roles marvelously in that film. Honestly, after the last song "Still of the Night", i was tempted to stand up from my seat in front of the computer and applause "BRAVO BRAVO!".

It's a beautiful song, so much emotions conveyed through those simple words. Call me mushy or just a hopeless romantic, but hey, it really is a pretty cool song. I still dont understand why Cole Porter loved Linda and was still finding fufillment in other men. Does that mean that he was bisexual? Or just ... oh, i dont know. I better not start thinking. They'd made such a cute couple with her inspiring his songs and really living the "behind every successful man is a woman". She loved him until the very end, even with all his other male partners. A woman of integrity, thought and self-dignity. I really admire her.

The whole dress code for the movie was so nice. Imagine still wearing those neat dresses and guys in suits and collared shirt. Hehe... Of course you'd have to be of the upper class society to be enjoying the life portrayed.

I'd always love the thought of sitting alongside someone, playing the piano for me. this another of my idealistic ideas? Well, if it is, forgive me. Sometimes i find myself living on Cloud 9. :)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Kids kids and more kids?

Three X-Files series in a row. Hmm... i'm improving. *hehe* Of course, my sister was by my side the whole time. Me? Watch it alone? *shaking head* ahem way. Not me. We watched:
~The Ghosts Who Stole Christmas

The weather started out really good this morning. The sun shining brightly, and a really good night's sleep. Josh O's text woke me up at 9.20am (YES!I slept till 9.20!!) saying "I'm sure you dont want to spend the weekend sleeping" and my immediate reply was "of course, why not??" turned around and went back to sleep for another 10 minutes. Man, he just HAD to wake me up! But i'll be thankful next week for a wake up text at 8am because i have to be in church at 8.30am. *praying praying* I've signed up to help with Little Leaders (3 - 6 year olds) at the 9am service. I dont know whether it's the right thing or not, but i felt a compelling in my heart to sign up for it. I do like kids, and teaching Sunday School back home has always brought me a lot of joy, but i'm afraid, in a way, if the kids here are different. Not used to what the protocol here is like, or how to respond since culturally we are so different. Oh well, definitely be praying about this one, and leave the rest in God's hands. *hope the kids like me =P*

This was the sign outside the detour shop where we had fresh fruit ice-cream. It's definitely one-of-a-kind opening hours! *amused smile*  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Gina and i at New Brighton. The view here was spectacular and even better, it was during sunset when we got there. There's a beautiful library that has glass windows looking out to the sea and comfy seats where you can just sit, read and enjoy the view. Amazing! At the end of the bridge, Josh O recorded out homegroup version of Fear Factor. Sure didnt expect Josh K's talent in playing the part! Posted by Picasa

Dim sum at Foo Shan restaurant. Eating to our hearts' delight. When it comes to Asians, i wonder why it is always about food. Amost every social activity revolves around food. "Let's meet up for lunch.""Do you want to try out that new eatery?""Nope, dont go there, the karage chicken is not as crispy there." In Christchurch, we visited Asian shops as well, where we found, believe it or not, DURIANS!!! So glad to see traces of home. Posted by Picasa

I kid you not Posted by Picasa

Shaking hands with Mr Cookie Time. The factory has a shop where they sell all their products and you can get bags of cookies for $6! I took a picture with a rather hideous cookie time shirt...nope, not tempted to eat it at all!! =P We had these cute cookie shaped postcards too! This was on the way back to Dunedin and everyone was so tired. It must be the sleeping in the wee-hours-of-the-morning-routine that we'd adopted (even in the holidays!). We got home around 7pm and for most of us, i think, it was straight to bed. No doubt Martin would have enjoyed his sleep after so many hours of being our trusty driver. =) Posted by Picasa

Taken at Cathedral Square day 2 in Chch. The trip was great! 3 nights 4 days is really not enough. There's too much to say about the trip, but all in all, the company made it all worthwhile. I went for a haircut at Dr Cut. Really glad to finally get rid of the uneven layering during the last haircut 'session'. The weather was beautiful throughout the trip, praise God, and there were too many eateries to visit in such a short time. Posted by Picasa