Monday, July 04, 2005


So In Love

Strange, dear
But true, dear
When I’m close
To you, dear
The stars fill the sky
So in love with you am i

Even without you
My arms fold about you
You know, darling, why
So in love with you am i

In love with the night mysterious
The night when you first were there
In love with my joy delirious
When I knew that you could care

So taunt me
And hurt me
Deceive me
Desert me
I’m yours till I die
So in love
So in love
So In love with you, my love, am i

~Cole Porter

Delovely is such a touching movie. Kelvin Klein and Ashley Judd played their roles marvelously in that film. Honestly, after the last song "Still of the Night", i was tempted to stand up from my seat in front of the computer and applause "BRAVO BRAVO!".

It's a beautiful song, so much emotions conveyed through those simple words. Call me mushy or just a hopeless romantic, but hey, it really is a pretty cool song. I still dont understand why Cole Porter loved Linda and was still finding fufillment in other men. Does that mean that he was bisexual? Or just ... oh, i dont know. I better not start thinking. They'd made such a cute couple with her inspiring his songs and really living the "behind every successful man is a woman". She loved him until the very end, even with all his other male partners. A woman of integrity, thought and self-dignity. I really admire her.

The whole dress code for the movie was so nice. Imagine still wearing those neat dresses and guys in suits and collared shirt. Hehe... Of course you'd have to be of the upper class society to be enjoying the life portrayed.

I'd always love the thought of sitting alongside someone, playing the piano for me. this another of my idealistic ideas? Well, if it is, forgive me. Sometimes i find myself living on Cloud 9. :)


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