Sunday, August 27, 2006


List of EXCUSES for not updating:
1. busy (really!!)
2. laptop not well so not very convenient

Erm, i think that's about all. Not that much of a "list" afterall..

Outreach night was more than just a student-style-reaching-out-to-people evangelical night. No no no. It IS sooooo much more than that. To me, it was the night i saw Picture A. It was so clear and vivid there was no denying it. The vision that night, as we were praying from the back of the auditorium during altar call, was the audience, covered with black charcoal stuff that you get after scrubbing a burnt pot (please ask Nadia if you have never scrubbed a burnt pot). And something that looked like a ginormous fishing net that stretched from one end of the hall to the other, all the way to the back, rested gently. And as it lifted up, it took up all the black burnt bits from the people. Redemption.

I must admit i was very hesitant to tell of my testimony when Jon first approached me. My first thought was "I'm sure someone else can relate to Ping Ping's skit better than i could." But the more i prayed about it, the more i heard the "Go", the more i saw the green light. I had no idea how i was going to go about it, all until the last minute. Though my sharing was prepared the day before, it underwent 4 major makeovers. At that point in time, i was still terrified of the thought of walking in town with passerbys knowing me. ME. The me that i didnt know existed until i came to Dunedin. I wanted the big TICK (not kutu) from God. Got it. And so i went on stage that night. The spotlight is really the best thing for nerves and stomach butterflies after anti-anxiety drugs.

Ministry team

Krystal's Food team and the Kitchen crew

What's The Point team

On Saturday night Nad stayed up till midnight helping me make curry puffs for International service although she only had 2 hours of sleep the night (of should i say "morning") before. Nadia's like the little sister i never had. A Wong as well, i think to myself "Why not?" And the night before King's Ball, we had a trying-out-hair-pleats session which was so much fun! For me anyway. If i stretched Nad's face a bit while tugging at her hair, please dont point it out to her =P I promise i will un-stretch it back into place. I wish we both could spend more girlie times together, but i trust that there will be a time for that, in the midst of studying, tests, assignments and Kevin stealing her bedroom slippers. From moments praying together, standing in the kitchen eating Nutella on toast with her cup on Milo, mix-matching clothes, moments painted on my canvas of Anzac Ave forever.

Nadia Wong & Angie Wong
Flatties (Kevin said he was going to wear a singlet, shorts and jandals)
With my brother, Paul (otherwise known as Paulie :D)

Let's dance the Barracuda!

If only i could turn back time

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I dont feel very good today. PMS + test + eating bad = moody :'(

Friday, August 18, 2006

Houdini for a while

Extra chocolatey marshy mallowy cheesecake

* * * * * * * * * * * * A special birthday, a special girl * * * * * * * * * * * *

Eunice turned 22 on the 9th August 2006. You see, she's always been younger than me, yes, ONLY 11 days younger. Hee... But of all the 9 years that we have been through, happy, unhappy, funny and contemplative moments, and always ending up buying the same clothes when we go shopping, i just want to say that i'm glad for you. May God shower many many many many many many many blessings (not too much chocolate) on you!

Flat dinner at Asian. Kev strikes a pose (again)