It was a really good swim this morning. They hadnt partitioned the pool so i swam the 50m length.. FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!! I'm so excited i cant wait to tell Ma.
Chia would know. How we were enrolled in swimming lessons at Sarawak Golf Club since we were tiny tots. It was always Saturday afternoons, after our afternoon nap. I would be so excited to go to the pool and Dad would group all the 3 of us together (Daniel was yet to come :D) in the kids' bedroom and with the air-conditioning on, Dad would say "Ok, time for a nap." I'd reply "But i cant sleep!! (too excited to go swimming) and Dad would say "But if you don't sleep now, you'd fall asleep in the swimming pool!" For a 7 year old, that made a lot of sense. To me anyway =P The Saturdays would roll by, and our class of tots grew fewer and fewer until it was just me a couple of others. My sister would go go the
big pool. Ooooh... But i'd always be to scared to let go of the ledge lest i drown (when i stood up, the water would reach my ribs) and so of the many years and $$$ paid to teach me how to swim, that was it. Always to scared to let go.
But it's a different story now. Yes, i haven't totally conquered my fear of
big big big big water, but i'd swim. And i swam my first 100m freestyle today!! =)) *thanks Josh for making me practice kicking with the paddle pop* I remember when i first told Mum i'd swim 15 laps froggie *thanks Jess*, she said "I knew you'd be fine. You have the stamina." I'm not sure if i agree. I think she said it because she thinks my long distance running
yonks ago has somehow etched a stamina in me, forever. But...what i dont have in speed, i make up with the
little stamina of mine. =) I'm happy and thankful for Him.. God gave me the opportunity to run and swim and jump around and around and around!
Moments i feel that God has made us all "endurers" and to run the race with our eyes on the Prize.
But for now, i'm not sure if i can endure this on my own.