Saturday, November 05, 2005

Eggs eggs and more eggs..

That's Madagascar down. Haha, laughing my head off when i watched with Judith and Josh. That must be the cutest lion i have ever seen. :)

Sun's up. Last evening Chia and i took a walk to the Gardens and had dinner there. Hehe, makeshift from New World's deli. On our way back later at night (later meaning 9pm..9pm!) from Starbucks, we had an egg thrown at us from a car. Horrible. I'm glad that i've read it up from Eunice's blog recently, so i guess, in a way, i was 'prepared' for it. Horrible horrible horrible. Only Josh had a few dots of egg on his pants. Ben, Chia and i were spared.

What is it that makes people do stuff like this? Is it out of pure 'fun'? or is it a racist thing? Of all things, eggs arent cheap either. So annoying and a waste of time. What is it that makes them do something so low, to throw eggs at innocent pedestrians and then speed away in a car. I do not understand.. i will never understand..


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