Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cant stop praising Your name

First ever flat dinner 2006. Roasted chicken with potatoes and carrots, beef-kuteh, stir fried broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, chocolate nutty brownies and boysenberry ice-cream. *licking lips*

Man, that was one night to remember! It was awesome! That arvo, i went to the gym with Josh O, Yu Kai (sorry if i spelt it wrong! :S), Kevin, Ben and Nadia. All squashed in the backseat of the Josh's car and people complaining how Kevin's head was blocking the view... pretty good laughs then. By the time i got back, it was about 3.50pm. Caught up with Ruth and Chewy. Perfect timing! Just as i got out of the shower so my hair was still dripping wet. Sorry for the unsightly look, guys. :P

Dinner prep started around 5ish and ended around 7.40pm. So, erm, Jacob, our persuasion power was great but dinner just wasnt ready in time. Next time.. next time. Hee. I have not felt so stuffed since i came back to Dunedin. We ate.. ate.. and ate. Such big eaters too! We actually finished everything! Except the brownies and ice-cream. If there was any chance for the male species to conceive, that Friday night would have been the night, aye. Well, maybe just look the part. I couldnt tell who was closer to labour... Ben, Kev or Paul. But of those 3, Ben might have been the one who needed an early caesarean. :P Thanks Paul, Nadia and Ben for cleaning up.

After reading 3 chapters of Captivating, sprawled on the couch, fuzzily warm and full of food, the flat launched into a time of praise and worship. It was awesome. Simply. Awesome. The air was thick with songs, prayers and eventually, laughter. I dont think i can ever think of Majesty the same way again. A session that lasted more than 2 hours long. Us shouting My God.. IS BIG.. SO STRONG... SO MIGHTY! I woke up and i think i left my voice in Last Night. Thanks Kevin for leading that wonderful session.. and playing the guitar too, of course!

Our God is an awesome God!

Nadia.. my girl-flattie in-crime. :)

" May you have the courage to always try

May God give you the wings to fly

May you never have another tear to cry

And be able to say I love you without telling a lie

May you have the Heart to walk one more mile

With someone there to make you smile

May you have the strength to never give up

Even when you're down on your luck

May you shine like a million stars

And know what you can't reach is never to far

May you always be true and your light never fade

And to always know it's never too late

May your hope never dieMay your song never end

And may you never be ashamed to take my hand

So live each day like you're living a dream

Cause a smile ain't as far away as it may seem.

©opyright2006 Max-A"

Dedicated to you..


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