Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Can you believe it It's already the middle of the holidays. So much has happened in the last 5 days, i dont know where to start.

We had combined homegroup that night, with worship, food, lots of it, games, and heaps of socialising. There were a few newcomers, and that was simply encouraging! Emannuel and Mei Ting came, and so did Susan. YAY...i'm not the only Pharmacy student in homegroup anymore. :) Hehe...Susan's in second year Pharmacy. It's funny how so many are in the same course but you just dont bump into each other in the Pharmacy building.

A few friends were at my place, chilling till 5am. Gosh, i really wonder how many more 5am's i can do. Inhibitions go down in the wee hours of the morning, and we talked about everything from dad's and mum's to your 'valentine'. Ah, around girls, topics of this nature will often find their way into conversations. Quite hilarious really. :P Funnily enough, i wasnt too tired at School of Leaders either. I went out for lunch with the usual group, which was new for me, and it was off to the ice-skating rink! WOOHOOO....just what i need, a new hobby. ;) Not too bad this time. Just a few bruises on both knees. WAY better than the big egg i had the last time. Heh.. Josh O and B helped me get the nag of skating again. Thanks guys!

I was trying to remember how Monday was like last night at Eric's dinner, and then "ah..yes". 5am's helped me sleep until 9 in the morning. Then it was chores, tidying up my room, and then to Ruth's for her 21st discussion. Las, as always, was the clown of the day. You're always laughing when he's around. I reckon Ruth's 21st is going to be an awesome birthday. Just seeing the rough plan makes me all excited!

Now, this has been the most happening day so far. Started at 10am with Josh O, B, Gina and i taking Jenny to the airport. We stopped by Green Island INFAMOUS dairy for an ice-cream. I chose cappucino flavour. YUUUUMMM! How come they dont have that in town? Boo hoo hoo.. :'( I think i'm beginning to like it better than cookies and cream. Noooooo! Nah, probably just an ice-cream affair. :)

Then it was meeting up with the others at Pak N Save and off we were to the Peninsula. Weather was gorgeous, sunny, warm (VERY warm) and summerish. On the way there Chia's car was near empty tank. Bad thing. So we passed Josh O's directions to them so that they can find the spot to meet up later, and he made a copy for himself. Or so he thought it was a copy. It was funny, i must admit. We turned right at Hooper Islet Rd, but little did we realise that our very diligent lieutenant mistakenly copied a Right instead of a Left. People make mistakes and it's no big deal. Though i have to say it's something i'll be 'kacau-ing' him about. Hehe... (credit has to be given for BEST NAVIGATOR prize during the Chch trip ;D). At the beach, it was cold. Didnt wear enough clothes to prepare for that. But food was good, scenery was better, and people were the BEST! Just watching the waves, and reliving childhood memories, like Laughing Stock. J

After all that, the last car went to Signal Hill, picked up Sulyn and watched the sun set. It’s amazing, how different we all are, and yet, it’s almost as though there’s a ‘template’ inbuilt in us. To appreciate beautiful things like the sun setting. It was like God had taken a huge palate of colours and streaked the sky with red, orange and yellow. It was marvelous.


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