Saturday, August 13, 2005

Food tasting time!

with great, cool, best friend Lye Funn
with group mates Liz (Kenya) and Ivana (Yugoslavia)

Thanks Ruth for the beautiful blue baju kurung. It was Pharmacy International Dinner night tonight. Most people cooked a dish. It's funny, being students and far away from home. Anything that would normally would have gotten a "eww" response back home, gets a "yum" here. That holds true especially for food that is labelled "Malaysian". The mere thought that maybe by taking a bite into it will bring you back, psychologically, a few miles closer to home, is enough to stimulate the salivary glands. Who cares about authencity. It was real cool though, seeing such a variety of food from all over the world laid out in front of you. It was tasting time! Unfortunately, i wasnt feeling the best and so didnt really have an appetite. No worries, just looking at them made me feel full. :)

They had lots of dancing. First we had Sione and his famous choreograpy skills. Man, he is the man! It was so cool. He twirled his dancing partner around as though she was just another limb! And with his other pair, they were so synchronised it was amazing. Gosh.. Then we had a beautiful Samoan dance. It was with a sad love song. Funny, though i didnt understand the lyrics, i didnt think that the tune sounded sad.. Hmm.. Then there was Patrick and Stella, and Sione and Ai Wei. WOW factor! Put Patrick and Sione with a dancing parter and they do miracles with their twirls and moves. I couldnt help but feel a tinge of jealousy that they had someone who would dance with them, and enjoyed dancing with them. Whoever says that dancing is for sissies just needs a mind makeover. Dancing is a great way of expressing feelings, and it does much more than that.

Happy Birthday Lye Funn!!


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