Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Of highs and lows

Before i start my random ramblings, i would like to thank all of you who have kept me in your prayers. For those who were there, you would have seen my struggles trusting and worries for PHCY471 A. But by God's grace (again), i passed! Plus a bonus of a mark i feel i do not deserve. So thank you, really, from the bottom of my heart. :) So second semester, here i come! Now the dawning of graduation is more of a reality... I am excited.

Sunday was really one of the most amazing days ever. God found me. I found God. Actually, it was more of experiencing the presence and realness of Jesus Christ. Being involved in a Pentecostal church, i've found myself focusing more and more on the Holy Spirit of our Trinity God. I was losing the balance. But on Sunday. WOW. The reality of Him that He once became a man, and was just as much of a physical being as i am, touched me to the very core. Jesus isnt Superman. He's more than Superman because He is God. And just as i experienced the high, the dip that night was crushing. I dont know why. Actually, i think i do. It doesnt matter from whom it came from. More importantly, it tested how solid the foundation was. Did i have a spiritual high just on a spur of a moment? Or was it one that became ingrained into my very being... not just a mist that would come and go?

I realised how easy it was to lean on people. Too easily. I learnt that God is my rock and my foundation. And if i really live that life, whom shall i fear? No one. But i also need to build on my relationship with Him. Why? Because He yearns for a relationship with me. He yearns for a relationship with you. And if i become to reliant on people, the moment they are not there, i'd just crumble. Yes, and that would be Angie Crumble for you (yuck :S) c.f. Apple Crumble. But nonetheless, i thank God for putting all of you in my life. What would i do without you guys. God has shown His goodness to me through your love, your care, your time and your presence.



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