Friday, May 12, 2006

Day off


Needed that time out. I was starting to feel more and more distant. So mad at myself. Feeling that God was close to me, but at the same time, i was so far away from Him. There was a glass barrier between us, i couldnt hug Him back. Frustrating. And when things werent right with Him, everything else fell apart.

But Saturday was good. Guud! The weather was awesome. Ruthie and i spent 4 hours at the Gardens, just seeking Him, His Word, His still small voice. It was my day off. Loved it. Every single moment. Then all my problems werent really problems any more. They became clear. Crystal.

A servant doesnt care who gets the glory. Remember that. A servant has one great goal, and that is to make the person he serves look better, to make that person even more successful. A servant doesnt want the person he serves to fail. A servant doesnt care who gets the glory, just so the job gets done. - Excerpt from David by Charles Swindoll.

Praise Him.

Amazing prayer meeting tonight. I admit that i went there thinking about the time, when i should get back to start work. But what i intended for evil, God turnd it for good. And by the end of it, i was reluctant to leave. The presence of God was sooooooooo in that place. Prayer does change things... it changed my heart and gave me joy. Thanks Stella and Pat. Go Pharmacy!! :D

There is a bruise on my apple...

two hearts seeking one God


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