Sunday, September 04, 2005

i'll be missing you....

I'm going to miss you Mr Holiday! Why do you have to fly past so fast? This has been the bestest semester break ever since i've reached Dunedin soil. Dont get me started... *although everything's already mentioned in the previous blogs entries :D*

Daddy's booked tickets home on the 14th December. That means that i'll get at least 2 months back home! :) Funny, the older i get the less the thrill of going back. Sure, look foward heaps to seeing family and friends, but to a certain extent, it's like "Ok, going back." It doesnt seem to hold the whole ""wanna go shopping, eat lots of food, lepaking thing anymore. No idea why. Am i just getting old?!? Or is this normal? Pray i'll get my hospital externship done straight after the exams too. And even Dunedin Hospital...

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated and drunkenness sobered, but stupidity lasts forever.

Is that true?


Blogger Angela said...

No, i dont Ben, tell me... :P

6:46 PM  

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