Monday, June 13, 2005

Two down, three to go...

Tomorrow - Adventures in an Uncertain World - Bradley Greive

Almost halfway there...Exam was "do-able". Wrote everything i could think of..filled the pages, but whether it's the right stuff or not, i cant be 100% sure. But glad that i had enough time, and the MCQ's were okay. =)

Do you ever get one of those days when everything that's said and done is just plain silly and cracks you up all the time? Hehe...just last Thursday, my sister and i were on the way home from the gym. And honestly, she's really one of a kind. I can act silly and speak nonsense with her and just have so much fun! It's a two-way thing, and as the conversation goes on, the sillier it becomes and the more we laugh. I was practically doubling over from laughing by the time we reached Albany Street Pharmacy. I'm going to really really miss her when she leaves for home at the end of the year. =( Who will make me laugh the way she does? Or act silly and all i can do is shake my head and roll my eyes and yet deep down inside, laughter cant wait to bubble... I had one year without her when i was in Form 5, and i remember how much i'd spend (and her) to call each other. The phone bill shot through the roof that year. I'm not going to think about not having her around. We've still got half a year right??? =P Who knows what craaaa-zy concoction of words, actions and facial expressions we'd conjure by then.

Hehe... animal cruelty. Actually, it should be 'soft toy animals' cruelty. Sorry're too small to go on the bed. =PPosted by Hello


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