Saturday, May 21, 2005

Je Souhaite

If you found a Jinniyah, what would your three wishes be?

My sister thinks i should be 'toughened up' by watching X Files. Sure, there is some truth to what she said. Well, my good ol' sister sat by me as we watched Je Shouhaite, about a Jinniyah. Patient as she is as when it comes to movies and me, i'd ask every 5 minutes "So what's going to happen?" "Is he going to die?" "Do you see his body decomposed?" But by grace she endured my fire of questions and i got to watch it until the end without driving her mad! =) It was a good series. If she'd 'endure' me some more, i'd ask her to watch some more series with me during the mid-year break....AHHH.....i cant wait!


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